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Friday the 13th Quiz(The sequels!)

If you know the first movie, see how well you know the sequels. 5. . .4. . .3. . .2. . .1. . .begin!
  1. What movie didn't Jason appear in as the killer?

  2. Part 2
    Part 3
    Part 4
    Part 5

  3. In what part did Jason first wear the hockey mask?

  4. Part 2
    Part 3
    Part 4
    Part 5

  5. In Jason takes Manhattan, where did Jason find a hockey mask?

  6. In Crystal Lake
    From one of his victoms
    On the cruise
    In one of the cabins

  7. Why was Rennie afraid of water?

  8. Her parents drown
    She was afraid of animals in the water
    She almost drown when she was a little girl
    She didn't like boats

  9. In part 5, what does Ethel catch 2 teenagers doing in her yard?

  10. Stealing Vegtables
    Having sex
    Picking flowers
    Egging her house

  11. How did Jason come back in Freddy vs Jason?

  12. Someone dug him up
    Someone casted a spell
    Freddy Brought him back
    He came back on his own

  13. How was the original Friday the 13th presented?

  14. Surround sound
    Dolby digital
    Black and white

  15. Kane Hodder said when he was playing Jason, his character should never harm who?

  16. Old people
    Animals and children
    Anyone other than people who visited Crystal lake
    Anyone who's blind

  17. Who played Tommy Jarvis in Part 4?

  18. Corey Haim
    Gary coleman
    Corey Feldman
    Kiefer sutherland

  19. How did Jason come back in part 6?

  20. He came back on his own
    They used magic
    His mother brought him back