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Back to the future Quiz

Test your knowledge on this wild ride of an adventure movie! Great Scott!
  1. What town did the movie take place?

  2. Beverly hills
    Hill valley
    San Francisco

  3. At what speed did the Deloreon have to reach in order to travel through time?

  4. 88 miles per hour
    90 Miles per hour
    95 milers per hour
    100 miles per hour

  5. Why did Biff have to get his car fixed?

  6. He crashed into a truck
    The brakes went out
    The car broke down
    He had a flat tire

  7. What was the name of the dance his parents fell in love at?

  8. Night under the stars
    Night to remember
    Love under the water
    Enchantment under the sea

  9. What does Doc Brown use to generate the time machine?

  10. Uranium
    Natural gas

  11. What is the name of the mall that Doc tells Marty to meet him at?

  12. Hill Valley mall
    Pine tree mall
    Lonely Pines mall
    Twin Pines mall

  13. What show is Lorraine's famile watching when they are sitting at the table?

  14. The Honeymooners
    I love Lucy
    Father knows best
    Leave it to Beaver

  15. If Marty's parents didn't fall in love, what did Doc say would happen to Marty?

  16. He would not be able to get back to 1985
    He would be erased from existence
    He would be stuck in 1955
    Biff woulkd marry his mother

  17. What does the car need to travel back to 1985?

  18. Gas
    Motor Oil
    A Battery
    A charge of 1.21 Giga watts

  19. How much is a cup of coffee at the Diner Marty walks into?

  20. 5 cents
    10 cents
    25 cents
    None of the above